Tetanus / Diphtheria / Polio vaccine (Td/IPV)
The Td/IPV vaccine is delivered in schools between April and July to students in Yr9 at the same time as the Men ACWY vaccine. You will receive details on how to consent for the vaccination through school usually towards the end of March and we would request that you complete the Consent Form as soon as it is received to ensure your child is vaccinated in the school session.
If your child is educated at home you will receive a letter from SAIS with details of how to consent and an online link to book an appointment in a community clinic.
What is tetanus?
Tetanus is a painful disease which affects the nervous system, leading to muscle spasms, breathing problems and can be fatal. It is caused by bacteria in the soil or manure getting into a wound, such as a bite, burn or scratch.
What is Diphtheria?
Diphtheria damages the heart and nervous system and can be fatal. It is a serious disease which starts as a sore throat and progresses quickly to causing breathing problems. It is very rare in the UK but there is a risk of catching it whilst travelling to some areas of the world.
What is Polio?
The Polio virus also attacks the nervous system causing permanent paralysis of muscles. It affects chest muscles or the brain.
The Td/IPV Vaccine
The Td/IPV vaccine is also known as the teenage booster or the 3 in 1 vaccine. It is one vaccine which protects against Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio. Most children will have already received 4 doses before they started school and therefore this is their 5th and final dose.
Further Information
Page last reviewed: 31 May, 2024