Oxford Health individuals and teams shine at annual staff awards

Another successful twelve months for Oxford Health packed with exceptional contributions from colleagues across all services was celebrated at this year’s annual staff awards.

Image related to Oxford Health individuals and teams shine at annual staff awards

This year the Trust saw a record number of nominations for colleagues and teams throughout the organisation and, as always, the judging panel had a tough time selecting the nominees and eventual winners.

Presentations were made for 16 awards, covering both individual and team categories. Each award was aligned with an NHS People Promise and this year the event celebrated the themes of Our OHFT Team & Kindness.

The event, held at the Belfry in Thame and delivered by the Trust’s Health & Wellbeing Team, was co-hosted by Charmaine De Souza, Chief People Officer, and Ashley Harvey, Oxford Healthcare Improvement Manager, with individual awards being presented by members of the Trust executive and other senior managers.

Before the main presentations there was a keynote speech from Trust chair David Walker and a welcome to all from Trust Chief Executive Grant Macdonald. Both spoke to the need of recognition and the contribution our colleagues make year-round, to deliver the best possible care to our patients, their families and the community.

Those present heard of the positivity, can-do attitude and innovate approaches to their work and care.

Trust Chief Executive, Grant Macdonald, said:

“It is really important that as an organisation we actively recognise, praise and celebrate the difference that comes from going ‘the extra mile’.

“Every nomination represents a very real positive impact that someone has made to the life of an individual or family and the judging panel had a very difficult job narrowing them down to just those in the room. Simply being shortlisted is a major achievement

“I’d like to thank everyone right across Oxford Health for the hard work and commitment and, once again, congratulate all those whose work resulted in them being shortlisted or winning in their category.”

The event was a great opportunity to recognise and reward our exceptional colleagues around the Trust, celebrating their hard-work, professionalism and dedication to the Trust’s values of Caring, Safe & Excellent along with championing this year’s theme of Kindness & Teams.

Details of all the awards and winners are below.

While each nominee and winner represents a major achievement, special mentions go to Cherwell Ward, City Community Hospital, Sandford Ward (Fulbrook Centre). They were joint winners of the Clinical Team-Work Award for the work they did to ensure patients were safely moved and cared for when a fault with the fire alarm system meant that patients had to be evacuated on safety grounds.

And also to Debbie Walton who led the setting up of Oxford Health’s network of Keystone Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs – the most recent of which opened this week in Kidlington. She has been with Oxford Health for 37 years and retires at the end of this month.

The awards are themed under the national NHS People Promise. Here are the individual awards and award winners.

People Promise: We are passionate and inclusive

Inclusion Award

Hannah Robinson, Peer Support Worker, Abingdon Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub

Living the Values Award

Wendy Corner, Modern Matron and Clinical Development Lead at Abingdon Emergency Multi-disciplinary Assessment Unit

People Promise: We are safe and healthy

Delivering Care Award

Lizzie King, Allied Health Professional Clinical Lead for Adult Speech Therapy

Safe Award

Louise Tohill, Clinical Nurse lead for the Oxfordshire Child and Adolescents Mental Health Service Community Services

Wellbeing Award

Kaye Thorne, Admin Officer for Oxfordshire Learning Disability Office

People Promise: We are always learning

Recognising Excellence and Innovation Award

Debbie Walton, Associate Director of Adult Mental Health in Oxfordshire

Debbie Walton

Preceptorship Award

Mpofu Thokozile, Senior Care Coordinator  with the Adult Mental Health Assessment and Treatment Team City in Oxfordshire

People Promise: We are a team

Team-Work Award – Clinical

Cherwell Ward, City Community Hospital, Sandford Ward (Fulbrook Centre)

Team-Work Award – Non-Clinical

Buckinghamshire Health Inequalities Working Group

Inspiring Team Award

Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Directorate: Evenlode Ward, Littlemore Mental Health Centre

Inspiring Team Award

Primary, Community and Dental Care Directorate: Oxfordshire District Nursing Team

People Promise: We work flexibly

Flexible Team Award (Clinical)

School Age Immunisation Service South Team

Flexible Team Award (Non-Clinical)

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner Apprenticeship Programme Team

People Promise: We are recognised and rewarded

Volunteer of the Year Award (As voted by patients, public and colleagues)

Steve Cook, Volunteer at Oxfordshire Stroke Rehabilitation Centre (OSRU)

People Promise: We each have a voice that counts

Co-production Award: Personalised Patient rehabilitation

Improving Patient Experience Award

Adele Smith, Trainee Clinical Psychologist with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service’s Community Services in Oxfordshire

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Published: 22 June 2024