Dementia and Brain Health
Who is involved in our studies?
Our studies involve people who have memory problems like mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. They often involve family members or someone who knows them well.
Current research
Every study is different. Some involve a questionnaire, some involve a therapy and some involve taking a medication. Some studies take place at home and some take place in our research clinics.
Each study is designed for a different group of people. We are sometimes able to contact people directly about research, but we always appreciate hearing from people who are interested in getting involved.
Click here for current studies
These studies are currently open to new participants:
ABATE: The ABATE trial is studying the effects of a study vaccine named ACI-24.060 in people with early Alzheimer’s disease.
Principal Investigator: Professor Vanessa Raymont, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and R&D Director, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Being Kind to Ourselves: Compassion focussed therapy for mood and/or anxiety in dementia.
Principal Investigator: Catriona Craig – Principal Clinical Psychologist
COBALT: Combining memantine and cholinesterase inhibitors in Lewy Body dementia and Parkinson Disease dementia.
Principal Investigator: Dr Qi Pei – Consultant Psychiatrist
FAST: Feasibility and acceptability study of scalable biomarkers of brain health.
Principal Investigator: Dr Ivan Koychev – Senior Clinical Researcher, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
iACT4CARERS: Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for family carers of people with dementia.
Principal Investigator: Annette Haddon-Silver – Research Occupational Therapist
ISAP: The ISAP Study will examine whether semaglutide, a tablet used to treat diabetes, can change the course of the earliest changes that happen in the brains of people at risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia.
Principal Investigator: Dr Ivan Koychev – Senior Clinical Researcher, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
POLARIS: This phase 3 clinical trial is investigating a new potential therapy for early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Principal Investigator: Professor Vanessa Raymont, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and R&D Director, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Sub I: Dr Qi Pei – Consultant Psychiatrist
SOCIAL: Social cognition and functioning in Alzheimer’s dementia – how Alzheimer’s dementia affects social relationships and activities.
Principal Investigator: Amanda Colston – Clinical Research Facility Matron
These studies have completed the recruitment phase:
The people who signed up continue to be involved in study interventions/ assessments.
EVOKE and EVOKE plus: A research study investigating semaglutide in people with early Alzheimer’s disease.
Principal Investigator: Dr Ivan Koychev – Senior Clinical Researcher, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
PREVENT Dementia: Aiming to identify the earliest signs of dementia.
Principal Investigator: Dr Ivan Koychev – Senior Clinical Researcher, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Brains for dementia research: A longitudinal cohort study of planned brain donation. A world-class brain tissue resource supporting dementia research.
Principal Investigator: Professor Vanessa Raymont, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and R&D Director, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Key contacts
You can contact the Memory and Cognition Research Delivery Team:
Phone: 01865 902 694
Previous research studies
The research teams at Oxford Health have been involved with lots of research studies in the past
Click here for previous studies
Free-Cog: A novel, free to use, measure of combined cognitive and functional abilities for clinical use. We recruited to this study in 2019, and 48 participants consented to take part.
LTCQ: Long-Term Conditions Questionnaire: a new tool for evaluation of integrated people-centred services in multi-morbidity and complex care needs. We represented five of the fourteen memory clinics that recruited participants to this study.
PRaISED: Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment. We recruited to this study in 2019, and 24 participants consented to take part.
Page last reviewed: 14 January, 2025