Enhanced Case Management (ECM)

What we do

Enhanced Case Management (ECM) uses a trauma-informed approach to support young people in complex situations who are working with the Youth Justice Service (YJS).

We use the Trauma Recovery Model (TRM) to develop a shared understanding (or ‘psychological formulation’) of how a young person’s experiences might be impacting upon their current presentation. We then tailor our recommendations based on this understanding.

ECM is a collaborative service between Clinical Psychologists from the NHS and Senior Practitioners/Trauma Champions from YJS.

Please watch this Enhanced Case Management (ECM) explainer video:

Who we work with

ECM operates across Youth Justice Services in the South West (North) region:

  • Bristol
  • North Somerset
  • South Gloucestershire
  • Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES)
  • Swindon
  • Wiltshire
  • Gloucestershire.

ECM is an indirect service. We don’t meet with young people but instead work with professionals in their network including their YJS Case Manager.

Referral criteria

Referrals are made by YJS Case Managers who are seeking further support and guidance for their work with a young person aged 10-18 years who have experienced trauma.

ECM offers two options for input:

  1. Formulation – for those on a Court Order of six months or more we offer a multi-agency team formulation meeting, ongoing reviews and formulation report written by a Clinical Psychologist. YJS Case Managers will also receive supervision sessions with a Clinical Psychologist.
  2. Consultation – for those on a Court Order of six months or less we offer consultation with the network and a summary written by Clinical Psychologist.

Non-urgent advice: Get in touch

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Phone: 01865 903 038

Email: fcamhsswn@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk

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Page last reviewed: 9 September, 2024