Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Council of Governors election is coming up this spring. Nominations will open in March and we have 18 seats up for election. Whether you are a patient, carer, member of public or staff, we have vacancies across the counties.
Constituency | Class | Seats |
Patient | Service Users Buckinghamshire and other counties | 3 |
Patient | Service Users Oxfordshire | 4 |
Patient | Carers | 2 |
Public | Buckinghamshire | 3 |
Public | Oxfordshire | 1 |
Public | Rest of England & Wales | 1 |
Staff | Buckinghamshire Mental Health Services | 1 |
Staff | Corporate Services | 1 |
Staff | Oxfordshire, Banes, Swindon & Wiltshire Mental Health Services | 1 |
Staff | Specialised Services | 1 |
Nominations will open in March, but there are things you can do already.
Become a member of the Trust
Only members can stand as a candidate or vote in the governor election so if you aren’t a member yet, sign up now.
Membership is free, and anyone at least 12 years old, living in England or Wales can join. You have no obligations as a member but can get involved in many different ways. See our Membership pages for more.
We’ll be also having election events for people interested in becoming a governor – as a member you’ll get the invitations straight to your inbox.
Check your constituency
You will be able to stand as a candidate and vote in the constituency and class where you are signed up as a member. For example, if you have signed up as a service user with a postcode starting OX, you can stand as a candidate and vote in the category Patient/Service user Oxfordshire.
If you are unsure of your membership status, please email us at FT.MembershipCommunity@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk and we’ll check it for you.
Prepare your election statement
Your nomination will ask for a 250-word election statement. This will to give your community an idea of what you stand for. Why do you want to become a governor? What aspects of your local health care do you feel strongly about? What do you feel you can most contribute?
Your statement is entirely up to you, but the word limit is strict, so please count carefully.
Have your picture taken
You can include a photo of yourself in your election statement. A picture is not mandatory, but it will make you more approachable for the electorate.
How do I nominate myself?
You will be able to nominate yourself on a nomination website that will go public in March. You can also request a paper nomination form or an easy read nomination form once the nominations open.
All members of Oxford Health will receive a Notice of Election by email or letter, depending on your communications preferences. We will also publicise the nominations on the trust website, in social media, posters and the press.
If you have any questions or would like an informal chat about the governor role, please email us at FT.MembershipCommunity@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk.
See also
More about the role of a governor
Published: 5 February 2021