Meeting papers

27 June 2023

  • Date: Tuesday 27 June 2023
  • Time: 1.00pm – 1.45pm

The Trust has taken the decision not to hold an in-person Board meeting in public due to COVID-19, in order to protect the health of Board members, Governors, staff, Trust members, the public, and all those who would normally attend a meeting in public; the meeting is instead being held remotely.

This meeting is to Approve the draft Annual Report and Accounts. Please be aware that these papers will not be published until after they are laid before Parliament, in accordance with the NHS FT Annual Reporting Manual.

Members of the public wishing to attend this meeting are encouraged to join virtually via the link below shortly before 1.00pm. You may then be held in the meeting lobby until an organiser accepts you to the meeting.

Meeting ID: 319 385 757 867 | Passcode: ytHUc3


Please see below for draft Board agenda.

00_BOD_Agenda_June 2023 v.2

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Page last reviewed: 26 June, 2023