Meeting papers

29 April 2009

# Paper Title File Size
01 Chief Executive’s Report 34 KB
02 Monitor Quarter 4 2008/09 Report 180 KB
03 Quarter 4 Progress Report against Annual Plan 181 KB
04 Public Health and Emergency Planning assurance report 55 KB
05 Governance assurance report 212 KB
06 Food and Nutrition assurance report 98 KB
07 Patient Satisfaction assurance report 88 KB
08 Human Resources assurance report 163 KB
09 Section 75 assurance report 114 KB
10 Section 75 Annual Report 278 KB
11 Care Quality Commission Annual Declaration 38 KB
12 Buckinghamshire Healthy Communities Strategy 51 KB
13 Workforce Strategy Update 51 KB
14 Q4 Human Resources Performance Report 617 KB

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