Nutrition and Dietetic Service
What we do
Registered dietitians are the only qualified health professionals that assess and treat dietary and nutritional problems, are regulated by law and are governed by an ethical code.
Dietitians use the most up-to-date public health and scientific research on food, health and disease which they translate into practical guidance to enable individuals to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.
For more information about dietitians please visit:
Who we help
The Community Nutrition and Dietetic team supports adults and children across the whole of Oxfordshire, in various settings, including digital consultations and group education sessions.
The Home Enteral Feeding (HEF) service supports patients with a feeding tube, mainly in their own home or a nursing home.
The Primary Care (PC) service provides support for patients with a wide range of dietary and nutritional problems, including malnutrition, irritable bowel syndrome, and cow’s milk protein allergy.
Non-urgent advice: Contact details
Patients can be referred by their GP or any other health professional.
Community Nutrition and Dietetic Department
East Oxford Health Centre
Manzil Way
Cowley Road
Oxford OX4 1XD
Phone: 01865 904 517
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