Oxfordshire Safe Haven

If you experience mental health crisis, you can get support with Oxfordshire Safe Haven by calling 01865 903 037.

About us

Oxfordshire Safe Haven is a non-clinical service open every day offering listening support for people who are experiencing mental health crisis.

We offer one to one support on the phone and face to face, and small groups face to face in Oxford and Banbury.

The referral line is open 365 days a year from 11.30am to 9.30pm. You must call first to book an appointment for the same day.

We may not have a space if people arrive at the venue without calling ahead.


Who is the service for?

Oxfordshire residents over 18 who are experiencing a mental health crisis who wish to access support, and could benefit from a non-clinical environment and listening support.

People who historically may have attended the emergency department, in the absence of other options when feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope.

People who may be at risk of self-harm or suicide, but no immediate risk to themselves or others.

Who this service is unsuitable for?

  • People younger than 18 years, or those living outside of Oxfordshire.
  • People presenting an immediate risk to themselves or others.
  • Anyone likely to be disruptive or aggressive in an informal social environment.
  • Anyone who needs immediate medical treatment.
  • People who are significantly intoxicated with alcohol or drugs.

What we do

What we offer

We are unable to offer

Accessing our services

You can self-refer yourself, or a health care professional can refer you if you haven not accessed before.

Anyone making a referral needs to call us in advance to book a space for the same day support.

Phone: 01865 903 037

The referral line is open 365 days a year from 11.30am to 9.30pm.

Phone: 01865 903 037

The referral line is open 365 days a year from 11.30am to 9.30pm.

For non urgent queries you can also email us on osh@oxfordshiremind.org.uk.

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