Rapid Access Care Unit (RACU)
What we do
The RACU at Townlands Hospital offers ambulatory care to the local population.
Patients need a referral to be seen. We accept referrals from any healthcare professional.
Our aim is to offer a one-stop, patient centred holistic service.
What we offer
Patients will be offered multidisciplinary assessments and treatments on site.
We deliver clinically effective, evidence-based treatments that will reduce demands on secondary care.
We will aim to support individuals in their own environment to avoid admission to the acute services.
Our aim is to provide the highest standard in care and a positive patient experience.
Opening hours
The service is currently open:
- Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm
- Bank holidays: open 10.00am to 4.00pm for nurse-led care only
- Weekends: closed
The service can be contacted on 01865 903071.
After these hours, calls should be directed to either NHS 111 OR SPA.
We aim to see referred patients on either the same day or the next working day
Clinician information
Clinicians can call 01865 903 071 to make a referral.
All calls will be taken by the most senior clinician (doctor or nurse in charge).
Please be aware, we have no in-patient beds.
Note: this list is not exhaustive, if you are unsure if the patient is suitable, please ring to discuss.
- Infections requiring intravenous antibiotics, or not improving as expected
- Heart failure with acute decompensation
- Dehydration
- Complex elderly assessments
- Falls (without head injury or suspected fractures)
- Acute, or acute on chronic confusion (without head injury)
- Acute mobility problems
- Patients requiring escalation in medical care who do not wish to attend acute hospital, or patients whose ceiling of care is likely to be ward-based treatments
- Unwell patients requiring urgent blood tests and/or chest x-rays
- Second opinions
We are happy to see most medical patients, but given the services available, the following conditions are usually excluded:
- Acute abdomen
- Acute asthma attack
- Suspected acute coronary syndrome
- Headache/head injury
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Pregnant patients
Please be aware we have no in-patient beds. Patients who would not be safe at home overnight are unlikely to be suitable.
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