What we do


  • Triage referrals by assessing all incoming referrals to find out whether there is a risk that can be managed by adult speech and language therapy, and ascertain how urgent the risk is.
  • Re-assess and evaluate interventions with further advice as required, including ongoing monitoring where this is right.
  • Assess and support clients needing assistive technology.


  • Give evidence-based advice for diagnosing, treating and managing dysphagia and communication disorders, (not all options described will be available locally) promoting health, and preventing disease.
  • Provide information and education to clients on how to achieve goals.
  • Provide education on how to manage a clinical condition or prevent complications related to the condition.


  • Develop appropriate care plans.
  • Negotiate and agree goals with clients and their carers, including contributing to the interdisciplinary goal-planning process.
  • Facilitate a smooth transition for adults needing ongoing adult speech and language therapy when they are being transferred from other services (e.g. paediatric team, an acute setting).
  • Participate in multidisciplinary meetings to discuss client care plans.
  • Work with other agencies to integrate adult speech and language therapy into other services.
  • Develop and review written information for clients and other health professionals.
  • Provide onward referral to appropriate services for clients whose needs cannot be safely met within the adult speech and language therapy team.


  • Provide a specialist adult speech and language therapy to clients that meet the referral criteria.
  • Offer group and individual treatment, and education appropriate for the needs of the client.

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