Getting Involved

What’s on?

Across our communities there are a wide range of  events, groups, and activities taking place for carers. You can find out more through the charities and organisations listed on our support page. Here are details of upcoming events that we are aware of that we want you to know about.


  • There are no upcoming events at this time. Please do return to see if this has been updated.


Getting Involved

Why get involved?

  • To use personal experiences of healthcare to help improve quality
  • To give opinions in a measured way
  • To use skills to improve healthcare services
  • Used lived experiences to empower others and educate staff
  • Have a keen interest in bringing about service improvement and being eager to make a difference

What can I get involved in?

  • Interviewing potential new staff members
  • Presenting your carers journey to help the trust learn from your experiences
  • Reviewing and developing essential information such as leaflets, posters, websites and films to ensure they are inclusive of carers needs
  • Being part of a steering group or project meeting to ensure the carers voice is part of the decision making
  • Participating in a focus group to give views on a specific topic

Our goals

Our Experience-and-Involvement-Strategy-2023_25 sets out how Oxford Health intends to build and improve on how we work with people of all ages who use our services to ensure we work in partnership with patients, carers, families and professionals.

Non-urgent advice: Get in touch

Please contact Di Hilson, the trust’s Carers Lead if you would like to register to be kept up to date with involvement opportunities.



Page last reviewed: 20 December, 2024