For Me Provider Collaborative – the Adult Secure Care Provider Collaborative for the Thames Valley and Wessex Region

Improving adult secure mental health services

NHS Led Provider Collaboratives

NHS-led Provider Collaboratives are regional partnerships that provide specialised mental health services for patients. Through a national programme of work that began in 2017, these partnerships are now established across England. Provider Collaboratives have financial and clinical responsibility for the commissioning of specialised services for their local populations.

The Thames Valley & Wessex Adult Secure Provider Collaborative, now known as For Me Provider Collaborative, is responsible for the care pathways, budget, and provision of specialised mental health, learning disability and autism services across the Thames Valley and Wessex region.

The For Me Provider Collaborative is made up of the nine NHS and independent sector providers who provide mental health services across the Thames Valley and Wessex region. Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is the lead provider for the Provider Collaborative.

Together, we manage low and medium adult secure care services across five Integrated Care Systems with a total population of around 5.5 million people.

We are committed to engaging and working together with clinical teams, service users, their families, and carers to deliver care that is least restrictive and closer to home.

The For Me Provider Collaborative covers the geographical regions outlined in the map shown.

About us

The For Me Adult Secure Provider Collaborative is the NHS-led Provider Collaborative in the Thames Valley and Wessex region. We are a partnership of nine mental health service providers (NHS trusts and Independent Sector Providers), 5 of which provide low and medium adult secure mental health services in our region.

The For Me Provider Collaborative stands for Forensic Mental Health, developed by a service user group at Chadwick Lodge, Elysium Healthcare, before being approved and adopted by the nine provider partners.

Our on-going programme of stakeholder engagement and co-production is informing the development of new services and support mechanisms that reflect the real, lived experience of patients and those who care for them.

Through partners and people who use services working together we seek to transform adult secure care services and community forensic services across the region through improving patient pathways, the interfaces between the health, social care and criminal justice system and on-going service development.

  • Low and medium secure care for adult patients with forensic mental health needs
  • Low and medium secure care for adult patients with forensic mental health needs and Learning Disability and/or Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Community Forensic Mental Health services

We are proactively engaging with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Learning Disability and Autism Partnership Boards to ensure people are aware of our services, work and collaborate with us on shared issues.

Part of our work to improve patient and carer experience is ensuring integrated pathways with the ICSs, local authorities, and other agencies. Working towards common goals, we are collectively seeking the best possible outcomes for service users transitioning from secure care into community mental health services.

Who we are

As lead provider of the For Me Provider Collaborative, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust has responsibility to NHS England and Improvement for the commissioning and oversight of services provided by the nine partner organisations.

To fulfil this responsibility, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust has set up a commissioning hub.

This commissioning hub will plan (based on patient need) and purchase (within a regional budget) the services required – from the five partners in the Thames Valley and Wessex Provider Collaborative and other organisations – to meet the needs of our patient population. The commissioning team has quality assurance and oversight responsibilities for the services provided within the regional footprint.

Contact us

The For Me Provider Collaborative is based at Slade House:

Horspath Driftway


For media enquires please contact the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Communications Team.

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Page last reviewed: 8 March, 2024