I don’t want my child vaccinated

Please provide a consent form refusing vaccination. Please provide a reason why you don’t wish your child to be vaccinated so we can provide support and information if necessary.

Withdrawing consent

If you change your mind and no longer wish your child to be vaccinated please email withdrawconsentSAIS@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk at least one full school day before the session and on the day of the vaccination session provide a written note to your child’s School Reception for the urgent attention of the Immunisation Team.

On the day of the vaccination session, provide a written note including your child’s name, date of birth, year group. The letter needs to be marked “For the urgent attention of the Immunisation team.” If your child is too young to hand in the letter, please ensure you hand the letter yourself to school reception.

We are required by NHS England to offer vaccinations annually to children who have an incomplete vaccination history to enable you to take up the offer of vaccination at a later date.

Page last reviewed: 26 August, 2023