A great, big thank you!

After a year like no other, we say thank you!

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On Monday, July 5, the NHS celebrates its 73rd birthday, and today it is #ThankYouDay!

We all have someone to thank this year and we want to show our gratitude to everyone who has supported us along the way – our fantastic staff, returners and volunteers, our governors, donors and generous businesses, those in our communities and anyone else who has helped!

Most importantly, today we want to thank every member of the Oxford Health family – we’re bursting with pride. The commitment, dedication and compassion they have all shown is truly remarkable. They work hard around the clock to provide care to those in our communities, always there to be the helping hand when people need it most, and with a comforting smile.

Sadly, in the last year we have lost loved ones and colleagues, who will always be in our thoughts.

It has been a year full of challenges, but also one brimming with love and hope.

Communities have shown endless support and encouragement to the NHS while it has cared for around 400,000 seriously ill COVID patients along with millions more besides and rolled out the biggest vaccination programme in health service history. The NHS could not have achieved all this without our people, thousands of returners, volunteers, other keyworkers and the public who played their part by following the social distancing rules.

Some of the Oxford Health family, would like to say thank you!

Karl Marlowe, Chief Medical Officer and Interim Head of Research said:

“I would like to thank the Oxford Health family and our local communities for their outstanding efforts. It’s so important to thank people every day, not just on this special day.

“It has been a significant year for the NHS and research – launching the biggest vaccination programme in history.”

Marie Crofts, Chief Nurse, commented:

“I cannot thank everyone in the Oxford Health family enough for their commitment and excellent care provided during the pandemic, whilst following all of the infection prevention and control COVID-19 guidelines to the highest standard.

“I also want to pay tribute to our patients and their loved ones for their cooperation during this difficult time, it is much appreciated.”

Ben Riley, Executive Managing Director for Community Services, added:

“A big thank you to all our staff and local communities from the leadership team in Primary Care, Community and Dental Services – we could not have got through the past year without your tremendous dedication and care.

“We would like to acknowledge the huge efforts and sacrifices from everyone in our teams and communities who have helped protect the NHS so we can provide quality care to those who need it. As we start to move beyond the pandemic, it’s really important that we all continue to follow the national advice to reduce the risk of spreading the virus to our families, colleagues and friends.”

Julie Pink, Head of Charity and Involvement, said:

“This year it feels even more important to say ‘thank you’ to the NHS – the staff, the volunteers and the members of the community who all make it work so well.

“As Head of Charity and Involvement for Oxford Health, I would like to say how much we really appreciate all the amazing volunteers who have helped us throughout the year and have made such a difference to staff, patients and carers.  Your support is invaluable.”

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Published: 4 July 2021