‘Grab a jab’ at The Leys Health Centre in Oxford, Saturday 3 July

This weekend, anyone aged 18 or over can receive a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at the walk-in clinic in The Leys Health Centre in Dunnock Way, OX4 7EX.

Image related to ‘Grab a jab’ at The Leys Health Centre in Oxford, Saturday 3 July

No appointment is necessary and no proof of identity is required to allow people to ‘grab a jab.’ A further walk-in clinic will be available in Oxford the following weekend (Saturday 10 July).

This follows the success of two walk-in clinics in Oxford last weekend (26/27 June) when over 800 COVID-19 first dose vaccinations were delivered to people aged 18 or over.

When and where are the clinics being held?

  • On Saturday 3 July, there will be a walk-in clinic at the Leys Health Centre on Dunnock Way (9am to 1.30pm).
  • Also on Saturday 10 July at East Oxford Health Centre, Manzil Way, Cowley, OX4 1GE (9am to 5pm).

People who attend a walk-in clinic for their first dose will have their vaccination record updated online and will then be able to book in their second dose appointment using the national booking system.

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Published: 2 July 2021