At Oxford Health we recognise and value the carers, family and friends of our patients and services users. During this year’s annual carers week, we want to give something back for all the hard work they do all year round. We want to encourage carers to take some time out for themselves and to remember that their wellbeing is just as important as the person they care for and support.
We have a programme of FREE online wellbeing related activities and carers of all ages are welcome.
To book please email
Please include:
- your name,
- contact number,
- which activity your wish to attend
- the name of the person you are caring for and the service.
Find out more below or view the programme Wellbeing programme for carers week 2024.pdf
Monday 10 June from 10 to 11:30am
Finding Time to be Creative
Lots of carers find it difficult to take time for themselves and their own wellbeing. Come along to our Oxfordshire Recovery College taster session, where we explore creative ways of doing this. We will be talking about the importance of self-care, the power of creativity, and how we can weave these into our daily lives. Then we’ll try it out together in the session with a short creative activity.
Tuesday 11 June from 12 to 1:30pm
Art for Wellbeing *You will need a pencil and paper for this session*
This workshop is based on the 5 ways to wellbeing and how art can be used to help people engage with them. The workshop will be a mix of theory and practical work as well as demonstrations and group discussions.
Wednesday 12 June from 3 to 4pm
Being a carer comes with many challenges, giving ourselves the time and space to relax and just be is difficult as there is always so much to be done. And yet, it is important that we make time to recharge the batteries, so we can be calmer and continue to do the important job that we do.
Thursday 13 June from 4 to 5pm
Yoga – to enhance your Wellbeing: *if you struggle to sit on a mat, you can use a chair* Please have either to hand for this session.
Revitalise Your Mind and Body: you will be guided through invigorating poses and soothing stretches, helping you release tension and find balance.
Boost Your Immunity: Yoga has been shown to enhance immune function, keeping you healthy and resilient.
First-Timer Friendly: If it’s your debut on the mat, don’t worry! Just give it a go with an open mind.
Friday 14 June from 10 to 11:30am
Humour and Laughter for Wellbeing
In this online course we look at how humour can help decrease your anxiety levels and can help lessen stress and feelings of anger and/or depression. We look at the types of humour and comedy that we like the most and talk about the way it makes us feel.
Hopefully we will have a good chuckle together as well. If anyone feels like sharing a favourite funny story or joke with us, there will be space for that also.
Carers Oxfordshire and Rethink Mental Illness Carers Support Service – What’s On
Tuesday 11th June
2pm-3.30pm Wallingford Carers group Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and a slice of cake and chat to our Carers Oxfordshire Advisers.
Location – St Mary-le-More Church, Market Pl, Wallingford, OX10 0EG
2.30pm Oxford Carers Walk and Talk ‘Free private wellbeing tour of the gardens and glasshouses at Oxford Botanic Garden for a group of carers – limited numbers so please contact Carers Oxfordshire on 01235 424715 if you wish to come along’. The garden is wheelchair accessible.
Location – Oxford Botanical Gardens, Rose Lane, Oxford OX1 4AZ
Wednesday 12th June
11am to 12 noon Bicester Memory Café Come and chat to a Carers Oxfordshire Adviser to find out more about our services.
Location – Methodist Church (Rainbow room), Bell Lane, Bicester, Oxfordshire, Cherwell, OX26 6JQ
9.30am -12.30pm Abingdon Carers Drop In Pop along to find out more about Carers Oxfordshire and how we can support you.
Location – Malthouse Surgery, The Charter, Abingdon, OX14 3JY
10am – 1pm Banbury Carers Drop In Come and talk to us about your role as a carer. Our Carers Oxfordshire team will be available to answer questions.
Location – Marlborough Road Methodist Church, 7 Marlborough Road, Banbury OX16 5BZ
Thursday 13th June
10am-11.30am Faringdon Chatterbox A social morning for you to chat to our Carers Oxfordshire Adviser and your local Networker.
Location – Stanford in the Vale Village Hall, 28 Hunters Field, Stanford in the Vale, Faringdon, SN7 8LX
11am- 2pm Rethink Mental Illness ‘Thank you unpaid carers’ event – join us for activities, refreshments and information.
Location – The Corn Exchange, 19 Market Square, Witney, OX28 6AB
Friday 14th June
9am -4pm Carers Stall at Bicester Market Join Carers Oxfordshire to raise the profile of carers and find out about the support we offer.
Location -Bicester Market, 18 Sheep Street, Bicester, OX26 6TB
Published: 29 May 2024