First look inside Oxford Health’s new Meadow Unit

Oxford Health’s brand-new mental health facility for young people – the Meadow Unit - is set to open its doors shortly, and colleagues from the Trust and the wider NHS took the opportunity to look round.

Image related to First look inside Oxford Health’s new Meadow Unit

The eight-bed psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) at the Warneford Hospital has been built thanks to financial support from NHS England and will enable young people experiencing the most acute phase of a serious mental disorder to receive specialist help closer to home.

The Meadow Unit provides a safe and nurturing environment including recreational facilities and education. Patients will have access to professionally qualified staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week, offering skilled mental and physical health care. There will be an interactive and sociable environment where everyday communication between young people and staff is encouraged.

Marie Crofts, Oxford Health’s Chief Nurse, said:

“We are delighted with the Meadow Unit as it represents something that will really help young people who need specialist treatment and care at a time when their needs are really acute.

“Seeing the building as it is about to open and the reaction and enthusiasm of colleagues who are taking their first look round is really exciting.

“I want to thank everyone involved in the project from the very early days of the design, through the building phase and all the work that has gone into things like the art, furniture and decoration which make it a very calm environment.”

The environment features art works produced by patients, in collaboration with a local artist, supported by the Oxford Health Charity and Oxford Arts Partnership. There is also a sensory room, café, garden, school rooms and an outside gym and sports area.

Katrina Anderson, Service Director, Oxfordshire, BaNES, Swindon & Wiltshire Mental Health Directorate’ said:

“It was amazing to walk into the Meadow Unit at the moment work had been completed and just before the doors open for patients.

“The Meadow Unit is far more than a building – it represents two years of hard work from a wide range of people with skills ranging from clinical treatment, construction, design, planning, art and engagement.

“And, of course, it represents a place where young people will receive the best care and treatment that will enhance and improve their lives.

“I want to congratulate everyone who has made the Meadow Unit a reality including Oxford Health colleagues, NHS England who have been instrumental in getting the project up and running, and all of the construction team who worked on the site.”


Image (above): At the open day event at the new Meadow Unit (left to right) – Tom Lankester, Ward Manager; Marie Crofts, Chief Nurse; Katrina Anderson, Service Director for Mental Health; Dr Rob Bale, Managing Director for Mental Health Services; and Andrea Shand, Associate Director for Mental Health Services


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Published: 25 September 2023