Oxford Health Community Services strategy development

Your views wanted to help shape the future of services

Image related to Oxford Health Community Services strategy development

Working with stakeholders across Oxfordshire, Oxford Health is seeking to develop a strategy to help shape the future of community services for the whole county.

Oxford Health community services cover a wide range of health services and carry out over 600,000 appointments each year from over 75 sites across the county.

Our community services play a key role in keeping people well, treating urgent health problems, responding to acute illness and managing long-term conditions, with a focus on supporting people and families to live independently in their own homes and communities. As such, they are central to the future of the Oxfordshire health and care system.

Our vision is to improve the health, wellbeing, independence and care experiences of individual residents, while strengthening the interdependence of people, families and communities across all of Oxfordshire.

A central part of the development of our strategy will be to understand the views of all those who may by impacted by it, including local communities, patients, carers and staff.

As part of this engagement approach we would welcome feedback on our draft proposals to help us to make sure that they reflect the views of the whole community.

Throughout the development of the strategy we will be making draft documents available  for review and feedback.

Below are links to the draft documents which are currently available for review.

Please note that these are working documents in the process of development and so will continue to be reviewed and updated ahead of  final publication and should not be considered to reflect the final approach which will be taken forward:

Oxford Health NHS FT – draft community services strategic framework 

Oxford Health NHS FT – Draft CS compendium of evidence

If you would like to give us feedback or suggestions relating to the draft documents on this page you can email the team at: communityservicesfeedback@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk

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Published: 22 April 2021