Phil takes Exceptional People Award for November

"He is always there for his team; he is fantastic and caring with patients"

Phil takes Exceptional People Award for November

Clinical lead Phil Bedwell from Abingdon Community Hospital’s minor injuries unit (MIU) takes the Exceptional People Award for November.

“I was really surprised to win this award; it is such a lovely thing to receive,” he said.

“I have had the best time working for the Urgent Care Service. Sadly, I am leaving in the new year as we are relocating. Receiving this before I leave is really lovely. “

Phil received multiple nominations, praising both his clinical and leadership skills. Clinical lead specialist Kathy Ruane said:

“Phil is a much loved and respected clinical leader. His approachable manner and rapport with staff and patients has led to numerous compliments from both. His clinical care is of excellent standard. He was involved in tutoring on the minor injury course ran by Oxford Health and has helped to train many emergency practitioners; then watched them grow in confidence under his leadership. He has truly demonstrated the skills of a great leader who others aspire to.”

“He runs one of our busiest units with such positivity and will also help other units at short notice if there is sickness absence.  He never complains and his sense of humour always keeps the patients amused and relaxed in sometimes challenging circumstances.”

Recently Phil supported emergency nurse practitioner Rachel Caira on her secondment. She said:

“Phil has been an invaluable support throughout. He is always there for his team, he is fantastic and caring with patients, always going above and beyond no matter what the need or situation. He always has the answer to a question.

“It is very rare that you get someone who is good both clinically and managerially. Phil is more than competent at both.”

Phil himself has nothing but praise for his team:

“I am proud of the work we do every day in all the services we offer. The team I work with have made the past six years the best in my career. I am really going to miss the people who have made Abingdon MIU such a great place to work. “

Every month we recognise and reward a member of staff that has made a real difference to the trust, our people and our patients. Nominations are welcome from staff, service users, patients, or friends and family of service users and patients. If you would like to nominate someone exceptional you can download a form here.

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Published: 7 November 2019