Sarah Bone is the Exceptional People Award winner for December

Oxford Health’s Sarah Bone had a pleasant surprise as she learned that she had been selected as the winner of the final Exceptional People Award of 2018.

Sarah Bone is the Exceptional People Award winner for December

Oxford Health’s Sarah Bone had a pleasant surprise as she learned that she had been selected as the winner of the final Exceptional People Award of 2018.

A health care assistant (HCA) on Sapphire Ward at the Whiteleaf Centre, Sarah is well known for her work ethic and non-stop commitment to her patients.

Saffron Wall, who nominated her for the award, said: “Sarah works with a smile on her face all the time and is an absolute pleasure to be around.

“She always puts the patients’ best interest’s first and ensures that all other members of the team do the same. The ward is a happier place when she is on shift. She strives for perfection and always succeeds.”

Described as a key part of the team, Sarah is known for her positive attitude and her ability to brighten the day of everyone around her. She makes a significant difference in the lives of the patients on the ward as well as the staff she works alongside.

Sarah said: “My favourite part of the job is the patient contact we get and the satisfaction of seeing the patients make progress towards recovery.

“I am extremely grateful to my colleagues for nominating me. I’m lucky to be part of such a great team and wouldn’t be half the HCA I am without their support.”

Sarah will receive a certificate and our thanks for her valued service to the trust and its patients.

Every month we recognise and reward a member of staff that has made a real difference to the trust, our people and our patients. Nominations are welcome from staff, service users, patients, or friends and family of service users and patients. If you would like to nominate someone exceptional you can download a form here.

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Published: 8 January 2019