World Diabetes Day – educate yourself with one of our courses

Every year, 1,000 people in Oxfordshire with Type 2 Diabetes get extra support and help with their condition from a special NHS team from Oxford Health.

Image related to World Diabetes Day – educate yourself with one of our courses

So, if you or your GP are worried about how you are managing your diabetes, let our experts help.

As this Sunday is World Diabetes Day we want to make more people in the county aware of the condition, our services and how we can help you live life to the fullest.

The theme for this day is Access to Diabetes care.

Our community diabetes team has a specialist diabetes nurses, who can prescribe medications; specialist dieticians, diabetes educators, and administrative staff. This friendly team focus on equipping you  with skills and knowledge, and ensure you get the right support when you need it.

They provide two education sessions and run 12 courses each month across Oxfordshire and via Microsoft Teams:

  • Diabetes2gether for people newly diagnosed of who have never been on one of our courses.
  • Diabetes4ward for people who have had the condition for longer or have more complex needs.

Both cater for up to 20 people and are facilitated by specially trained diabetes educators. Diabetes2gether sessions are three hours long, while Diabetes4ward is slightly longer, lasting for three-and-a-half hours.

Jane Maskell, clinical lead for the community diabetes team, said: “Everyone should be offered diabetes education each year and not only when they are diagnosed but as part of their standard diabetes care.

“The courses offer advice and guidance changes so stay up to date and increase your knowledge, skills and confidence in managing your Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can be controlled, and you can lead a full and active life.”

For more information on these courses visit the dedicated community diabetes page here.

To find out your Risk of Type 2 diabetes visit this link. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that as many as 212 million people, or half of all adults currently living with diabetes, are undiagnosed.

To find out more about diabetes visit one of the sites listed below

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Published: 12 November 2021