City Community Hospital (Oxford)
What we do
City Community Hospital is located at the Fulbrook Centre in the grounds of Churchill Hospital and provides rehabilitation and palliative care for people who no longer require the services of an acute hospital.
The hospital has a dedicated team of nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists and is supported by GPs and gerontologists (doctors specialising in the care of older people). Staff work closely with social services to source care placements and liaise with other care agencies.
All patients enjoy the privacy of a single room at the unit, which was refurbished in in 2014 and replaces a hospital previously located at John Radcliffe Hospital.
Useful information
City Community Hospital
Fulbrook Centre
Churchill Hospital
You can view this location on Google maps here.
Information for inpatients
If you are being admitted to hospital, you should bring the following items in with you:
Medicines: all medicines, tablets and creams that you are using
Clothes: day clothes and shoes, night clothes, slippers, dressing gown and underwear (including tights and stockings)
Toiletries: hairbrush, comb, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, denture products, soap, face flannel and paper tissues.
If you use or need any of the following then you should also bring these in with you:
- dentures/shaving equipment
- walking stick/frame
- hearing aid
- continence aids
- special shoes
- spectacles
- any appointment cards
- writing material, postage stamps
- books to read
- anything special to your needs
We are unable to provide a laundry service for patients at our community hospitals. However, in exceptional circumstances we may be able to help.
Money and valuables
We advise that you do not bring large sums of money or valuables into the hospital. If you cannot avoid this your admitting nurse can arrange for their safe keeping and will give you a receipt. We regret that community hospitals cannot accept any liability for money, valuables or property that are not handed over for safe-keeping.
All community hospitals operate a no smoking policy. We provide a smoke-free environment for your health, other people’s health and the general safety of all. If you do smoke and wish to take this opportunity to stop please ask your team for further information.
If you are living at home then you can be referred to a community hospital by your GP. If you are already in another NHS hospital, then you can be referred by that hospital via a centralised team. You cannot refer yourself to a community hospital.
If you are feeling unwell you should contact your GP.
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Page last reviewed: 17 July, 2024