Physical Disability Physiotherapy Service (PDPS)
Who we are
We are a small specialist community-based service, providing physiotherapy for people living with a long-term neurological condition.
We emphasise enabling people and those supporting them to live well with their neurological condition in their own environment.
We work closely with third-sector organisations such as Age UK/Generation Games, local gyms, Oxsrad and condition specific charities.
Who we help
- Adults over 18 years of age, registered with an Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group GP.
- People with a long term neurological condition eg Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND), head injury, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s Disease, stroke, spinal cord injury, Huntingdon’s disease, cortico-basal degeneration, or multi-system atrophy.
- People newly diagnosed with a progressive neurological condition such as multiple sclerosis or motor neurone disease.
What we do
he physiotherapist assesses the person and works with them and their family/carers to develop a personalised management plan to address their goals. The intervention may be:
- Physiotherapy management, advice and support to maximise independence in all activities of daily life.
- Exercise and education: courses for those with multiple sclerosis (MS active) and Parkinson’s disease (PD active). These are aimed at all abilities including those who are newly diagnosed with either illness.
- Spasticity and postural management to prevent secondary problems and improve comfort in bed and/or in the wheelchair.
- Soft tissue contracture management e.g. hand-splinting.
- Establish exercise/self-maintenance programmes and provision of home exercise programmes.
- Gait assessment, correction and provision of walking aids to improve gait.
- Onward referral for orthoses.
- Training carers and family members in ongoing physiotherapy/exercise/activity programmes.
- Support to access local exercise and leisure facilities e.g. ‘referral to exercise scheme’/swimming/health walks.
What are we unable to do
- Intervention where a rapid response is required eg chest physiotherapy.
- Rehabilitation following a new neurological event eg stroke.
Our expertise
Our physiotherapists have extensive experience in neurology and keep up to date with evidence-based practice. We have expert knowledge and skills about:
- advanced assessment of complex neurological conditions
- prescribing exercise for neurological conditions
- managing spasticity/post Botox intervention
- managing posture and seating
- splinting and managing of soft tissue contractures
- manual handling for complex neurological problems
Useful information
We make appointments to see patients in:
- Community hospitals.
- People’s own home.
- Local community facilities, e.g. gyms or day centres.
- Digital appointments
You can refer yourself (as can your carer), or your GP or another health care professional can make a referral. Unfortunately there is usually a waiting list of approximately 12-14 weeks.
To make a referral, please send an email to or telephone 01865 904 868. Please include your date of birth and address along with your request.
Professionals should complete the PDPS Referral and email to
As well as looking after the patient’s needs our service is here to support the patient’s carers, friends and family. We provide advice and support to help you within your role and help promote your wellbeing. There are many charities and organisations that can support carers, friends and family in a variety of ways. The contact details for some of these organisations are below.
- Carers Oxfordshire –
- Caring for our carers –
- Carers Online Workshops –
- Carers UK –
- Family and Carer Befriending dedicated phoneline – 01865 901 012 anytime (befrienders will call you back between 11am and 12pm Monday to Friday.)
- Action for Carers Oxfordshire –
- Be Free Young Carers –
- Oxfordshire Talking Therapies –
- MS Society –
- MS Trust –
- MND Association –
- Parkinson’s UK –
- Adult Social Care – Phone: 0345 050 7666
There is now an abundance of useful online resources you may wish to explore:
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