
Visiting times

Visitors are welcome between 11am and 8pm. However, we operate a protected mealtime policy.  This means that whilst patients are having their meals, all non-essential activities on the ward will stop in order to reduce interruptions.  The nurses, ward assistants and nutrition assistants will be available to help those patients who require extra support with eating and drinking during these times.

We kindly ask that visitors speak to the ward coordinator about whether it would be beneficial to be present during mealtimes.  Often, those who have had a stroke can experience difficulties around eating and drinking due to altered swallow and cognition.  Therefore, having fewer people present can help reduce distractions and allows for a calmer environment for patients to eat and drink.

Getting here

Directions to the unit in Marcham Road, Abingdon can be found here


Pay and Display parking is available on site. If you are visiting a friend or relative on a regular basis, it is possible to purchase a weekly permit at a reduced cost.  Please speak to a member of nursing staff if you would like to apply for a permit.

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