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Non-urgent advice: Patient feedback
Compliments, suggestions and complaints
We are always happy to receive feedback about any aspect of treatment.
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If you are unhappy about any area of your treatment and wish to make a complaint, in the first instance it may be helpful to raise this with your clinician or a senior member of staff who will try to address the matter with you. This will not affect your treatment in any way.
If you continue to feel that the matter has not been resolved, then you can either raise this with your GP or advocate, asking for the NHS Complaints leaflet or contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 01865 901274 for help, information and advice. We would encourage you to speak to us or PALS first if possible, as many concerns can be easily and quickly remedied.
A representative from PALS makes regular visits to our inpatient units to discuss any concerns you may have. Leaflets detailing the complaints procedure are available. PALS are also keen to receive positive feedback and compliments about treatment, staff and the service that we provide.
Page last reviewed: 18 January, 2023