Our services

Cotswold House is an award winning specialist adult eating disorders service provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.

With a reputation for excellence, our service provides a stepped model of care tailored to the individual’s needs for stabilisation and recovery.

We offer a range of programmes and evidence based treatments to assist a patient’s return to independent living at the earliest opportunity.

Our aim is always to provide care at the lowest possible intensity in order to support patients to continue their normal lives as much as possible.

Modern units

Cotswold House operates from two modern eating disorders units in Oxford and Marlborough, Wiltshire.

Inpatient and day patient treatment programmes are run in both units and outpatient services are provided in locations across the counties of Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Wiltshire.

Core treatment

Inpatients and day patients can make use of the core treatment programme which provides both group and individual therapies as well as medical and dietary support.

Outpatients receive individual therapy, dietetic and medical review as needed and families can also access psycho educational and support groups.

Our services

Page last reviewed: 13 December, 2024