Useful stuff

Here is a range of materials you might find useful, produced by Oxford Health and other organisations.

Hospital Passports

NHS easy read newsletter

This is an easy read newsletter from NHS England and NHS Improvement. It is
for people with a learning disability and autistic people. In the newsletter we just say ‘people’.

Issue 13 /2021

Issue 11 / 2020

Learning Disability Week June 2021

How to access NHS 111
Where to get information in easy read
Mental health
Dental services
Looking after your bones
Going to the GP

A range of information produced by Oxford Health and other organisations.

Consent and Mental Capacity Act
Tests and screening
Making services more accessible
  • Mencap information on simple adjustments to make services more accessible for those with learning disability
  • My Life, My Choice specialist HCP training programme
  • Survey of GP support for people with learning disabilities or autism
Going to hospital
Moving into adulthood

Moving into adulthood – handbook from Oxfordshire Family Support Network

Other places to get support
  • Oxfordshire Family Support Network: set up in 2007 by family carers who wanted to use their experience to help others in the same situation, Oxfordshire Family Support Network (OxFSN) provides information, advice and support to families of children, young people and adults with learning disabilities.
  • My Life My Choice: My Life My Choice is a self-advocacy organisation run by and for adults with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire.
  • Autism Oxford: Autism Oxford provides support, training and consultancy aimed at spreading awareness of the realities of life on the autism spectrum and supporting the development of autism services.
  • OxForward: OxForward is the voluntary Wellbeing and Employment Support service for adults living in Oxfordshire, including individuals who have a disability, commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council.
  • ACE Centre: Ace Centre is a charity providing support for people with complex communications difficulties.
  • Oxford and District Mencap: Oxford and District Mencap provide services such as group holidays, evening clubs and fundraising.
  • Oxfordshire Sports Partnership: Accessible sport and physical activity.
  • Mates ‘n’ Dates: Mates ‘n’ Dates gives adults with learning disabilities living in and around Oxfordshire greater access to leisure activities which most of us take for granted and a better social life, with the chance of forming friendships or more, in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Oxsrad: OXSRAD is an inclusive centre that integrates people with disabilities through sport and recreation. They offer a huge range of facilities and activities so that there is something for everyone.
  • Riding for Disabled:RDA Abingdon offers horse riding opportunities to disabled people in Oxfordshire and beyond.
  • FarmAbility: FarmAbility is an outdoor, farm-based programme for people with autism and/or learning disabilities.
Communication resources

Accessible information standards for learning disabilities

Oxfordshire Total Communication: free resources and ideas from other people in Oxfordshire who are using Total Communication to communicate effectively with people with a Learning Disability.

Cancer screening and cancer related resources

Easy guide to breast screening

Easy guide to cervical screening

Easy read guide to bowel screening

be.macmillan – Easy read titles – Information about all aspects of cancer care and treatment in easy read




How to raise a concern or a complaint in easy read
Resources that may need to be paid for

Beyond Words – Some free resources for Coronavirus and cancer screening but some resources have a cost.

All about health

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Page last reviewed: 27 November, 2024