Do you have any spare clothes, unused toiletries, board games, computer games, books or DVDs?
Would you like to support people staying on our wards in both our community hospitals and mental health wards?
If so, please get involved with Oxford Health’s PALS Exchange!
PALS (the Patient Liaison and Advice Service) engage with patients, families and carers across all the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust services – in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Wiltshire.
As well as the advice and support services they provide, they have also set up the PALS Exchange to give wards and individuals access to a library of games, books and DVDs to help alleviate boredom during a stay in hospital.
In addition, where there is need, they can also help with items of clothing and toiletries.
However, to keep the PALS Exchange going we need regular donations.
The books and DVDs are currently well stocked (although newer titles are always sought after) but the levels of games, clothes and unused toiletries are currently low which means PALS cannot always answer requests for support.
If you have any of these items and would like to support the PALS Exchange, you can drop these off at the PALS offices in Oxford at the Warneford Hospital in Headington or in Aylesbury at The Whiteleaf Centre.
Find out more about this and other appeals on the Oxford Health Charity website.
Published: 27 June 2019