Health and Wellbeing Fair this June

Help quitting smoking, healthy living advice and more at the Trust's first ever Health and Wellbeing Fair.

Health and Wellbeing Fair this June

Help quitting smoking, healthy living advice and exercise classes are just some of the things on offer to people as the trust launches its first ever Health and Wellbeing Fair this June.

The event, taking place on 21 June at the Whiteleaf Centre in Aylesbury, will bring together clinicians from across the trust and professionals from various partner agencies under one roof.

The aim of the day will be to educate people to make positive choices around their own health and wellbeing through engaging in physical activities, health screenings, relaxation sessions and informative workshops.

Starting at 10am and running through until 4pm, the event will be open to all to come along and get advice.

Alison Murray, the Physical Health Lead on Sapphire Ward at the Whiteleaf Centre and one of the organisers of the event, said she hopes as many people as possible turn out on the day and get involved.

She added: “This is a great chance for people who have concerns about their lifestyle, to come along and get checked out and find out more about the changes you make to improve your long-term quality of life.

“It’s not just about physical health. Being a trust that also provides mental health care, there will also be a big emphasis on mental wellbeing on the day too.

“We really want this to be an annual event so we need as many people as possible to come along to the Whiteleaf Centre on the day and make the most of all the experts on hand to offer advice.”

As we get closer to the event we will be releasing more information about the fair via our social media channels so make sure you follow @OxfordHealthNHS on Twitter for updates.

To get involved with the day, email or

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Published: 8 June 2018