Talking therapy services Healthy Minds and TalkingSpace Plus are changing names.
From today Healthy Minds will be known as NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies and Talking Space Plus will be known as NHS Oxfordshire Talking Therapies.
The name change is designed to ensure the public understand what the services provide and how they can benefit from the NHS care they provide.
The tagline ‘for anxiety and depression’ will accompany the name change to provide further clarity and ensure people know exactly how a referral to the services can benefit their mental health.
The name change is part of a nationwide renaming of all Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services across the country. By the end of the year all IAPT services will be known as NHS Talking Therapies. The name NHS Talking Therapies was chosen following extensive national consultation process which received more than 3,600 responses. It was voted the most accessible name, and the easiest one to understand, by a wide range of patients, staff, charities and the general public.
NHS talking therapy services are celebrating their 15th anniversary this year.
The services provide evidence based talking therapies and employment advice for adults experiencing anxiety and depression.
The services will continue to use already printed handouts, leaflets and literature, switching to the new name with future print runs by the end of the year.
Existing email addresses will continue to work. Emails will automatically be forwarded to the new email address for the services:
Published: 25 April 2023