Healthwatch Oxfordshire would like to hear from you about what it’s like using interpreters in Oxfordshire. Whether you’ve used interpreters for GP, dentist, hospital appointments and treatments, or to help you with other health and social care services – please tell Healthwatch what worked well, and what could be better.
They would particularly like to hear from you if English isn’t your first language, or you use British Sign Language interpreters.
You can give your own views or help give the views of relatives or friends or someone you support in your work.
Please fill in a short, anonymous survey here.
Your views will be shared with local health and care decision-makers to help shape the support people need and to improve services.
Please ask Healthwatch if you need the survey in another language, as a paper copy or in large print.
If you want help filling in the survey or to tell your story of using interpreters, you can also contact Healthwatch by calling 01865 520520 or email
See more at
Published: 6 July 2021