Video: Chair David Walker reviews topics at the September 29, 2021 Trust Board meeting

Rising demands for services, longer waiting times and challenges around staffing are covered

Image related to Video: Chair David Walker reviews topics at the September 29, 2021 Trust Board meeting

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is continuing to hold online board meetings that can be attended by the public via a digital link.

David Walker, Chair of the Trust, has made this short video to explain some of the key topics discussed at the September 29 meeting.

In his review David highlighted that while mental health services in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire are now better funded and progress has been made towards parity of esteem with physical health, there is still much to do.

He explained demand for our services has been rising, pushed by the Covid pandemic, and waiting times for consultation treatment have grown for children and young people especially.

The Chair also references the challenges in recruiting staff and the resulting  pressure on our doctors, nurses and care assistants, some of which showed through in a recent survey on medical engagement.

All papers relating to the Board meeting are published in the Governance section of our website here

Catch up with our AGM

You can also watch a recording of the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Annual General Meeting here

This includes introductions and presentations from the Chair, the Chief Executive Dr Nick Broughton, Director of Finance Mike McEnaney and Lead Governor Mike Hobbs.

There are also videos on our large scale vaccination centres, perinatal mental health services, supporting Covid patients in our community hospitals and an insight in the realm of research and development, particularly around the Oxford Brain Health Centre.

All papers relating to the AGM, including our Annual Report, can be found on our dedicated website section here





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Published: 6 October 2021