Ingrowing toenails are often caused by poor toe nail cutting or trauma with the result that a small spike of nail will break the skin and grow into the toe. Poorly fitting footwear will often aggravate the condition. The body responds by trying to heal the wound that is caused and as a result can produce a mass of tissue that is called hypergranulation tissue. In this state it is easy for the toe to become infected as well as painful from the portion of nail growing in. The condition can be treated conservatively (without an operation) or surgically.
The surgical procedure is undertaken using a local anaesthetic to numb the toe. A small section of nail is then removed and a chemical (phenol) is applied in an attempt to prevent that portion of the nail from growing again. The operation will last about 30 minutes and the patient can walk immediately afterwards.The toe will heal in approximately seven weeks and the result is a slightly narrower nail plate, which is often unnoticeable. If the nail spike is noticed sufficiently early, it is possible to simply remove the spike without using anaesthetics.