Mental Health Act

This section provides information about detention under the Mental Health Act. This includes the criteria for detention or ‘sectioning’, information about different sections and the rights of someone who has been detained.

  • The Mental Health Act is the law which sets out when you can be admitted, detained and treated in hospital against your wishes. It is also known as being ‘sectioned’.
  • For this to happen, certain people must agree that you have a mental disorder that requires a stay in hospital. There you will have an assessment and be given treatment if needed.
  • This is only done when you are putting your own safety or someone else’s at risk.
  • You can sometimes be given treatment even if you don’t want it.
  • There are different sections of the Mental Health Act that have different aims.
  • You have certain rights under the Mental Health Act, including the right to appeal and the right to get help from an advocate.
  • Section 117 aftercare is free aftercare that you get once you leave hospital under certain sections.

Frequently asked questions about MHA Section

Highfield (CAMHS) S3 leaflet

Highfield (CAMHS) S2 leaflet

Patient Renewal Leaflet

Patient Appeal Leaflet Sec 2

Patient CTO Extension Leaflet

Patient CTO Appeal Leaflet

Patient Appeal Leaflet

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