Resources for Carers

Highfield Unit Brochure

What to expect on my admission to the Highfield Unit

Home Leave management plan

Parents Say, a new resource that has been launched by YoungMinds. It is a toolkit that will support services delivering mental health treatment to young people to implement parent participation in all aspects of their work – from Assessment, to Intervention, to Service Delivery. You can see more about the toolkit here:

Eating Disorder Resources for Carers

EDP References and Resources list

Expectations for parents having meals on the unit

Expectations of mealtimes for young people on the eating disorder programme EDP

Eating Disorder Program – Information for Parents and carers


Treatment of CBTE overview

The Role of the Family in CBTE

Strategies for meal planning and problem solving

Practical suggestions for supporting the young person with eating disorder at home

CBTE pamphlet for the family

Food Diaries

Food diary for Parents

Food diary for Young Person

Psychosis resources for carers

ParentsCarers booklet psychosis

Psychosis leaflet for young siblings

Personal Accounts of Psychosis_parents

Personal Accounts of Psychosis_young people

High Expressed Emotion

Health Talk Online has a number of informative areas relating to physical and mental health. It has videos, audio recordings and transcripts of interviews with people who have experienced a particular mental health problem or treatment. The mental health topics are listed below (more topics added regularly). They aim to represent the breadth of experience and help people to make informed decisions about their care – so there are positive and negative experiences represented.

Health Talk Online

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