Nominate yourself online at
Our governors bring the views, interests and concerns of their constituencies to the heart of the Trust’s decision making. With the range of services Oxford Health provides – in the community, in our hospitals, in people’s homes, at schools – almost everyone in our regions will have a involvement in our future and developing our services.
Am I qualified to become a governor?
You don’t need any formal qualifications to become a governor for Oxford Health – just your interest and enthusiasm.
However, you must be a member of the Trust, for both to vote and to stand as a candidate. Sign up here.
What’s in it for me?
Many people find contributing to causes they find important rewarding in itself. Other rewarding things our governors mention include:
- Meeting like-minded people and working with them on common goals
- Gaining a good understanding of the local NHS services
- Opportunities for personal and professional development
- Learning new skills
Staff Governor and Nurse Consultant (Learning Disabilities) Emma Short says,
“Being a governor has given me the opportunity to give people a voice”
It’s not too late for you to make a difference.
Other ways to nominate yourself
If you would like a hard copy or an easy read nomination form, contact the Returning Officer, Ciara Hutchinson.
Telephone: 020 8889 9203
Text: Text 2FT OF and your name and address to 88802
Post: Civica Election Services, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW
Election enquiries
The elections are run independently from the Trust by an external company Civica. If you have questions about the nominations, contact the Returning Officer, Ciara Hutchinson.
Telephone: 020 8889 9203
Text: Text 2FT OF and your name and address to 88802
Post: Civica Election Services, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW
Published: 28 March 2024