Coronavirus brings with it many worries that can make stress, low mood and loneliness more likely.
Guidelines from the government on how to keep ourselves and our loved ones as healthy as possible understandably focus on our physical health, but mental wellbeing is very important and whether you are being quarantined, self-isolating, ill or recovering from Coronavirus, it is important to pay attention to your own mental wellbeing and your family’s.
We know that staying at home for a prolonged period of time can be difficult, frustrating and lonely for some people and that you may feel low. You may want to stay in touch with family and friends over the phone, on social media by Skype or Facetime if you can.
You may find it helpful to structure your day to manage worry or boredom with activities such as cooking, reading, online learning and watching films. If you feel well enough you can take part in light exercise within your home or garden.
There are also sources of support and information that can help. Go to:
This has a lot of helpful information about local and national supports, as well as offering short videos with top tips for managing your wellbeing.
Oxford Health Coronavirus information leaflets covering
If you are worried about your wellbeing or that of a loved one, please contact visit NHS 111 online.
Oxfordshire services providing help for depression and anxiety
- Oxfordshire TalkingSpace Plus: or call 01865901222. Opening hours are Monday 8am to 5pm, Tuesday to Thursday 8am to 8pm, and Friday 8am to 5pm
- Oxfordshire Mind – phone – 01865 263730. Opening Hours – Monday – Thursday 7am to 5.30pm, and Friday 7am to 5pm.
- Samaritans on 116123
Buckinghamshire services providing help for depression and anxiety
Buckinghamshire Healthy Minds:, phone – 01865 901600; opening hours Monday to Thursday 7am to 5.30pm and Friday 7am to 5pm
Buckinghamshire Mind 01494 463364
You can also telephone the Samaritans on 116123
For under 18-year olds
Please visit our dedicated website for our Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Published: 17 March 2020