Families and carers: Book now to learn about IPS employment service

Book now for a special information session for families and carers on our award-winning employment service for people who use our mental health services - coming up on September 7.

Families and carers: Book now to learn about IPS employment service

Oxford Health’s Individual Placement and Support service IPS helps unemployed adults aged over 18, who are under the care of our adult mental health teams or early intervention service, to get back into meaningful paid work.

A rewarding job is seen to be an important part of people’s mental health recovery journey. Our  employment specialists work closely with mental health clinicians so that people who use the services can achieve their employment goals.

There has been a lot of interest in the service from families and carers, Now the Trust’s carers lead Di Hilson is organising a special information session for carers and families in Oxfordshire.

Wednesday, September 7 @11am

On Microsoft Teams

To book a place, please email Diane.Hilson@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk

Please note, the person you care for must be accessing Oxford Health’s adult community mental health and early intervention teams in Oxfordshire to have access to the IPS scheme. At present we do not have employment specialists in our older adult teams.

See also the patient information leaflet IPS in Oxfordshire

If you have questions, please contact Diane.Hilson@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk

And please share this event with people you think would be interested in and benefit from attending!

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Published: 18 August 2022