Help shape maternity services in Oxfordshire

The Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group would like to get your views on the proposed outcomes and measures for maternity services in the county. OCCG’s aim is to secure improved outcomes ... Read more

The Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group would like to get your views on the proposed outcomes and measures for maternity services in the county.
OCCG’s aim is to secure improved outcomes and value for money for patients and the public. In March 2012, OCCG decided to change how it commissions (buys) some health and social care services by introducing a more outcomes-orientated approach to commissioning and contracting. OCCG decided that maternity services would be one of the services that would have this new approach.
OCCG would now like to get your views on this (the consultation ends on 31 October). To take part go to:

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Published: 16 October 2013