June Health Matters: Breaking down barriers

By making mainstream healthcare easier to access for people with a learning disability, we’ll be making it easier to access for everybody

Image related to June Health Matters: Breaking down barriers

Aligned with the Learning Disability Week June 14-20, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is looking to encourage conversation about how small, practical changes can make mainstream healthcare easier to access for people with a learning disability – and as a result, for everybody.

Join us for a lunchtime webinar on Tuesday, June 22 at 12:30 to hear from clinicians and service users how this can be achieved. You can join via this link: bit.ly/Health-Matters-LD-Week

You can also sign up to receive a reminder of the link a day before the webinar – sign up here.

Ben McCay

Ben McCay is a Trust governor and expert by experience.

The event will be chaired by Associate Clinical Director, Kirsten Prance, who will introduce Oxford Health’s Adults’ Learning Disability Services.

Expert by experience and newly elected Trust governor Ben McCay will talk on video about his experience of accessing mainstream physical and mental health services. Ben has been actively involved in co-creating and evaluating services and will give his top tips for small changes that make a big difference.

Nurse consultant Simon Jones will talk about looking at people in a holistic way and share some suggestions of quick wins we can all make to improve the experience of using services.

Kirsten Prance says:

“As a learning disability service, we are a specialist service and not open 24 hours a day. Our ambition is that all services can make adjustments so that people with various needs will find it easier to access mainstream care.”

You will be able to post questions to the panel during the webinar. If you are not able to attend, a recording will be available on the Trust YouTube Health Matters Playlist shortly after the event.

How to take part

The webinar will be run as a live event on Microsoft Teams and you will be able to join at bit.ly/Health-Matters-LD-Week. Click on the link just before 12:30pm on Tuesday, June 22.

The easiest way to join is on your computer. If you are joining on a mobile or tablet, you may need to download the Teams app. You do not need to create an account as this meeting is set up for the public. Just tap ‘Join meeting’ once the app is downloaded.

Make it easier to join

Get a reminder of the link a day before the event – sign up here.

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Published: 14 June 2021