New Mental Health Facility in Buckinghamshire: Come and be Involved!

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust have commissioned the building of a new mental health hospital in Buckinghamshire to replace the old Manor House Hospital which will provide services for adults ... Read more

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust have commissioned the building of a new mental health hospital in Buckinghamshire to replace the old Manor House Hospital which will provide services for adults and older adults across the county. The new building will cost £42.8m, and will be a significant improvement from the existing facilities, situated mainly at the Tindal Centre and the John Hampden Unit in Aylesbury. It will contain a broader range of services than previously provided across Buckinghamshire and will have lots of flexible space so it can respond to the changing needs of both our patients and the Trust in the future.

The project is about to enter the first phases of the formal construction phase and there are going to be lots of key decisions that we will need to be making over the next 12 months as it is anticipated that the new facilities will be completed in late 2013/early 2014. These might range from decisions around the internal fixtures and fittings to what we are going to call the new hospital.

This is such an exciting development, not only for the Trust, but specifically for mental health services, and is certainly the biggest project we have ever undertaken in Buckinghamshire. But we don’t see this as just being “our” project, this is definitely everyone’s project, so we are looking to for people who would like to be involved to hear more about the development and to help us make these key decisions so we know that we are getting it right for the patients and carers who will be using the new facilities and the staff who will be working there.

Meetings are currently held once a month on a Monday afternoon from 2.00 – 4.00pm on site in Aylesbury. We know that you might not be able to make every meeting, but if you are a member of staff, a patient or a carer or an interested member of the local community we would love to hear from you if this is something you want to be a part of.

If would like to become involved, or have any questions about this project then please contact Ali Neary, Communications and Involvement Manager via

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Published: 3 August 2012