Sunday dinner served by friendly local business

Pizza and kebab rolls fed staff at Fulbrook and Warneford

Sunday dinner served by friendly local business

Staff at the Fulbrook Centre and Warneford Hospital in Oxford were in for a treat on Sunday evening when Exprizza & Desi Grill from Cowley delivered free dinners. The manager Imran Rana had delivered free food in the previous week to the JR and Churchill hospitals and wanted to extend his appreciation to other NHS services.

Even though Exprizza had closed to the public on the previous Tuesday, Imran wanted to keep his promise to the wards.

“We wanted to show the NHS staff that they are not forgotten and we are grateful for all that they are doing. We will continue to go to other NHS services in the coming weeks,” he said.

Imran was assisted by Jabeen Alam who works as an administrator at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre and also as a manager at Exprizza. Through her contacts with different NHS locations she was able to do all the behind-the-scenes co-ordination that was necessary in order to get the food from the oven to the mouths.

“We delivered about 30 pizzas and 8o kebab rolls,” she said. “I hope we fed enough people, but we’ll do more in the coming weeks.”

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Published: 3 April 2020