Oxford Health is supporting World Health Day 2021 by paying tribute to the staff who have played an enormous role in supporting the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
David Walker, chairman of Oxford Health, said: “After more than a year since the start of the pandemic we can hopefully use World Health Day 2021 as an opportunity to look positively to the future while paying tribute to the hard work that got us to this point.
“After such a challenging year for all our staff there has been no change to our focus on providing the necessary support for all who need our services.
“In fact, thanks to Oxford Health colleagues over the past year, we have adapted many of our services to fit in with changing requirements due to the pandemic.
“As a mental health organisation, we have seen first hand how the pandemic has affected patients’ mental health but also staff as well. We are keen to see how best we can support our staff within Oxford Health and how we can continue to engage our patients to improve their mental wellbeing.”
The theme for World Health Day 2021 is ‘Let’s build a fairer, healthier world for everyone’ which means focusing on ensuring that where people are born and grow up doesn’t impact on their overall health and the ability to access health services if needed.
David Walker explained: “One positive to come from the pandemic is the way in which staff and services across the NHS have adapted not just to keep services running, and also to develop new ways of working which could be beneficial for the future.
“Digital consultations have become quite commonplace meaning that, for some, travel could be reduced and time used more efficiently.
“A healthier world also means a more sustainable world and we have been working on improving green initiatives and preparing for the future. To date noteworthy achievements include 100% of electrical power provided from renewable sources offsite and 60% reduction in overall vehicle business mileage. All these can have positive effects on both the environment and providing better health for everyone.”
“Our Creating with Care programme has worked with patients and staff in community hospitals to increase wellbeing and enhance the hospital environment as well as raising awareness of the benefits of arts in healthcare.”
The trust’s commitment to inclusivity can be seen in its plans for a new ‘opt out’ approach to research recruitment, which will ensure every patient has the opportunity to hear about and potentially benefit from taking part in research. This change will be implemented following a study undertaken by an interdisciplinary team at the Trust.
Dr Cathy Henshall Head of Research Delivery at Oxford Health, who led the project says: “Our study demonstrates that the ‘opt-out’ approach is optimal for ensuring NHS patients are made aware of research opportunities and are empowered to decide to what extent they wish to participate.
Our ‘opt-out’ approach will also help make healthcare research more inclusive and representative, enabling access to information about research to currently marginalised groups.”
Oxford Health are continuing to take the necessary steps to improve the overall experience for both patients and staff and improving health for everyone.
Published: 7 April 2021