Information for health care professionals
Education programmes for primary care clinicians
Treatment Pathways for Type 2 Diabetes: a one day course for GPs and Nurses, delivered by the Oxfordshire Diabetes Specialist Team.
Telephone and email advice
- Please send your enquiry using the GP proforma and tick the box ‘Email advice’.
- Please provide a clear reason for referral.
- We aim to respond within one working day.
- Email
Our proformas are no longer published individually, but as part of a complete set of templates that should be installed as a single folder. Please ask your practice manager or practice IT manager to install the latest library.
The libraries and instructions on how to use them are available from the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group website (access permissions required).
Referral for face to face assessment:
- Please send your Referral using the GP Proforma and tick the box ‘Referral ’. Please provide a clear reason for referral and any relevant documentation e.g Clinic Letters.
- Email
Our proformas are no longer published individually, but as part of a complete set of templates that should be installed as a single folder. Please ask your practice manager or practice IT manager to install the latest library.
The libraries and instructions on how to use them are available from the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group website (access permissions required).
Referrals for diabetes education for patients:
We are in the process of changing our booking system to Choose and Book. Please see our triage workflow in order to help you book patients on appropriate sessions.
Clinic locations
Banbury, Bicester, Oxford, Didcot, Wallingford and Witney.
Resources for Health Care Professionals
- includes the six steps to safe use of insulin, as well as a number of other modules.
- Diabetes Foot Screening – Foot Risk Awareness and Management Education (FRAME)
- foot care online training.
- Diabetes and pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PDF)
- Diabetes and enteral feeding (PDF)
- Blood glucose monitoring (PDF)
- Integrated care and competency framework for diabetic nursing (PDF)
- End of life diabetes care (PDF)
- End of life diabetes care supplementary information (PDF)
- FIT UK Forum for injection technique (PDF)
- Basal insulin initiation in adults with type 2 diabetes: HCP_Basal_TREND_2023.pdf (
- Diabetes and Dementia: Guidance on practicial management: HCP_Dementia_TREND_2023_FINAL.pdf (
- Hypoglycaemia in adults in the community: HCP_Hypo_TREND_2023.pdf (
- Insulin adjustment guideline: Insulin_Adjustment_TREND_2023.pdf (
- Managing diabetes during intercurrent illness: HCP_Illness_TREND_2022.pdf (
- Person centred care in Type 2 diabetes: ADA_Novo_TREND_2022.pdf (
- SGLT2is: More than just glucose lowering drugs: a practical guide. HCP_SGLT2_TREND_2023.pdf (
- Type 2 diabetes and diabetic kidney disease: A4_DKD_Factsheet_TREND.pdf (
- A Stepwise guide on how to use an insulin cartridge pen: A4_Novopen_Factsheet_TREND_v6-2.pdf (
- Management of Hyperglycaemia and steroid therapy: JBDS-08-Steroids-and-DM-Guideline.pdf (
- E-Learning courses – Trend Diabetes Learning Platform-TREND E-learning.
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