Who should not be referred?
- Oxfordshire CNS patients over 65 (Buckinghamshire CNS treats people of any age over 18 due to contract differences).
- Patients who are acutely psychotic.
- Patients adamantly opposed to treatment in a group.
- Patients who are addicted to drugs or alcohol, or whose primary problem is substance misuse. Referral may be appropriate if they are engaged with addictions services and CNS work is considered important for success in giving up substance misuse.
- Patients who are not willing to give up illegal drugs.
- Patients who have been convicted of a sexual offence. A referral to Psychological Services should be considered.
- Patients who pose a risk of violence if they were to enter a therapeutic group.
- Patients whose problems appear to be due to Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or who are awaiting an assessment for ASD, without prior discussion.
- Patients with a BMI of 17.5 or lower; please call to discuss patients with a BMI of 15 – 17.5.
- Patients with a learning disability, IQ < 70. Individuals with a borderline LD (IQ 70 – 80) may be referred after consultation.
- Patients who have an open referral to Psychological Services (IAPT or Step 4) should not be referred to CNS. Please discuss with Psychological Services.
- Patients who have a comorbid diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder must be referred by the AMHT.
- Patients who have previously completed six months of therapy with Complex Needs Service. Please call the service to discuss the referral.
- Patients who have referred in the previous six months but not attended their offer of an assessment and been discharged from the service for non-attendance.
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