Education and training for older people’s health and social care

A research report focusing on the impact of education and training of health and social care staff on older people’s care has been published by Picker Institute Europe. Based on a knowledge audit with stakeholders; interviews with health and social care staff; and a systematic review of the evidence the key findings include:

  • Education and training can impact outcomes, however existing research is scarce
  • Variation and inconsistency exists in education and training across geographies and professions
  • Traditional models of education and training hinder holistic approach required
  • Systemic issues hinder education and training
  • There is a demand for information and training on: ‘who does what’
  • There is a need for education and training to go beyond clinical care

The report concludes that “there is a general consensus about some of the key things that potentially impact outcomes in older people’s care, and therefore should be encompassed in training and education. These include:

  • Person-centred or relationship-centred care
  • Multi- or interdisciplinary working and learning
  •  Integration of health and social care services
  • Care co-ordination and planning
  • Complex health education
  • Practical (rather than virtual or didactic) learning initiatives
  • Continuing professional development and education for community carers
  • Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA)

Exploring education and training in relation to older people’s health and social care.
Prepared for Dunhill Medical Trust by Picker  Institute Europe, August 2018

Published: 16 August 2018