Healthcare Improvement Scotland QI Connect WebEx series

Healthcare Improvement Scotland is currently hosting an exciting line up of monthly WebEx sessions as part of its QI Connect series. Established in 2014, QI Connect provides clinicians with the opportunity to learn from national and international leaders in the field of improvement and innovation.

Forthcoming webinars include:

  • 30 August 2018 – Daring Leadership in Healthcare presented by Dr Brené Brown.  a research professor at the University of Houston
  • 27 September 2018 – A session with Roy Lilley talking about the NHS Academy of Fabulous Stuff
  • 31 October 2018- A session with Fiona Godlee of the British Medical Journal

Find out more and sign up for future sessions, or listen to previous webinars on the Healthcare Improvement Scotland QI Connect page here.

Published: 11 August 2018