Physical Activity and Lifestyle Toolkit and Active Practice Charter

There is an urgent need to increase the fitness of the population to prevent and manage many health conditions that are a result of being inactive. The  Physical Activity and Lifestyle Toolkit designed by the RCGP in partnership with Sport England, gives primary care professionals the resources they need to provide preventative advice. The Toolkit has condition specific resources, guidance for patients, healthcare professionals and commissioners as well as diet and nutrition advice.

At the same time the Royal College of GPs and Sport England have launched an Active Practice Charter to inspire and celebrate GP practices that are taking steps to increase activity and reduce sedentary behaviour in their patients and staff.  To become an ‘Active Practice’ practices have to demonstrate they have:

  • Increased physical activity in patients and staff
  • Reduced sedentary behaviour in patients and staff
  • Partnered with a local physical activity provider to support the practice to get more people active


Published: 7 August 2019