Notice of election: Council of Governors 2015

Please note that the deadline for nominations for the trust’s Council of Governors has now passed. Voting opens on Monday 11 May, closing Tuesday 2 June.  Elections for governors to ... Read more

Please note that the deadline for nominations for the trust’s Council of Governors has now passed. Voting opens on Monday 11 May, closing Tuesday 2 June. 

Elections for governors to serve on Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust’s Council of Governors are under way. Nominations open on Monday 9 March and close on Sunday 19 April. Please note that voting opens on Monday 11 May and closes on Tuesday 2 June.

There are vacancies in the following governor constituencies only:

Public: Buckinghamshire

Patient: Service Users: Oxfordshire

Patient: Service Users: Bucks and all other counties

Patient: Carers: All counties

Staff: Older People’s Directorate

The term of office will be for three years.

Please visit our election website for more information, where in the coming weeks, you will be able to view all the information relevant to the 2015 elections:

The Council of Governors is an integral part of our trust – with all NHS Foundation Trusts required to have one.

The role of our Council of Governors is to:

  • appoint, remove and decide terms of office (including remuneration) of the chair and other non-executive directors
  • approve the appointment of the chief executive (CEO)
  • appoint or remove the trust auditors
  • review the annual accounts, auditor’s report and annual report and hold an annual general meeting
  • express a view on the board of directors’ forward plans

Governors hold the Board of Directors to account for the trust’s performance and have a number of important duties including: appointing and removing the trust chair and non-executive directors; appointing and removing the trust auditor; approving the appointment of the CEO; receiving the trust’s annual report and accounts; and having a say on the trust’s forward plans.

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Published: 6 March 2015